
These are the schools I have went to.

Primary school image
Concord Primary School
2009-2014, T-Score: 232

I remember at that time when I was enrolling into primary school, my parents brought me to the different schools to check out their facilities before settling on De La Salle Primary School which was near where I stayed and only too around 10 minutes to get there. However unfortunately I didn't get in and we opted for Concord Primary School instead.

Life in primary school was fairly smooth sailing, with me making friends and being lucky enough to not get bullied. I joined Red Cross in Primary 3 after I got roped in seeing all the badges they had sewed on their uniform, thinking that it was cool. I remember back then, I would always slack off a lot and not study as I should have been doing and that resulted in me getting horrible grades, especially for Chinese and Science. However, after getting told off and encouraged by my parents and teachers, I studied harder and achieved a T-Score of 232. Although it wasn't the result I was looking for, it was pretty good for someone like me who only studied nearing the PSLE.

secondary school image
Unity Secondary School
2015-2018, ELR2B2: 14 (-2)

Another case of me not getting into the school I wanted. At first, I wanted to go to Kranji Secondary School as it was situated just right beside my block and would only take me 5 minutes to reach which meant that I could sleep more. However, back then the school's cut off point was around 237 which I was sadly 5 points off and couldn't get in which led to me settling for Unity Secondary School which was in Yew Tee and takes me 20 minutes to reach.

Life in secondary school was pretty much the same as in primary school with me slacking and getting horrible grades until important things came up like getting promoted to the following year which needed a minimum requirement of a certain number of passes. After Secondary 2 ended, we had to make a choice on what stream we wanted to take in Secondary 3. I decided to take the Pure Humanities stream which included subjects like Pure Geography and Combined Humanities (History, Social Studies). We also had a choice in which 2 Combined Science subjects we wanted to take in which I opted for combined Biology and Chemistry.

Polytechnic image
Singapore Polytechnic

I'm currently studying in the School of Computing (SoC) for the course, Diploma in Information Tech (DIT). Why did I choose this course you might ask? Well, I'm not too sure either, but at that time it seemed interesting so I just chose it even though I had no background and knowledge of programming before.